For shits and giggles, I took a Comparative Religions class this semester, and it's starting to get deep. In that class, we study each religion in chronological order, and last Wednesday, we started Judaism. Yay?
We don't get in depth at all. Here is a section of my notes from the covenant with Noah (by the way, my iPod totally loves me today; he just started playing "Prayer Position", by AFI - go listen to that song. IT'S GRRRREAT!):
3 Main Covenants
1. with Noah (sign = rainbow)
God destroys Earth by flood, but saves one of each sex of each animal and Noah's family (because they are not corrupt by the non-explanatory definition of "corrupt"). After flood, God essentially says, "Sorry, guys. I won't do it again as long as you play sheep."
Sound familiar? Here's my essay analysis of the same thing:
"The first covenant described in the Tanakh occurs between God and Noah. Years after God has created the Earth and everything upon it, He notices that humankind is a corrupt, ungrateful lot, so in order to correct his own mistakes, he decides to wipe out the entire planet with a massive flood that will kill everything in its wake. However, in order to repopulate the world, God asks Noah to build an ark and save the very best of each animal on Earth (one of each sex). In return for this good deed, God promises to be just and to never kill anyone with a flood ever again. He also says that he will protect Noah and his family. This particular covenant, which is demonstrated by a rainbow, is an important facet of Judaism because it is the first time that God pledges to be a just ruler of all things."
I really sound like a broken record, don't I? Oh well, I guess as long as it's all in the name of skepticism...